The objective of this course is to give the learner continued education as a Maryland Security Guard. The training course gives students the understanding, knowledge, and skills of various subjects. Upon completion of the course, the student will receive a certificate of completion. These are the course subjects:
SG-1 Identify the requirements for receiving and maintaining a security guard certification in the State of Maryland.
SG-2 Identify the limitations to receiving and maintaining a security guard certification in the state of Maryland.
SG-3 Given various scenario, demonstrate the ability to identify elements of a given crime, using the annotated code of Maryland and/or the Digest of Criminal Laws.
SG-4 Identify the legal limits of a security guards authority to arrest and/or detain suspect.
SG-5 Define what constitutes use of force.
SG-6 Identify when use of force is authorized and prohibited.
SG-7 Identify the reporting requirements a security guard must complete force is used.
SG-8 Identify the legal ramifications for security guards and their employer when force is used.
SG-9 Define what constitutes de-escalation.
SG-10 Identify how time, distance, and cover can be used to de-escalate a situation.
SG-11 Identify the role of communication in de-escalating a situation.
SG-12 Identify the limitations and requirements for a security guard carrying weapons.
SG-13 Identify techniques that a security guard may employ when encountering an individual in crisis.
SG-14 Identify techniques that a security guard may employ when encountering an individual with a disability
G-15 Identify techniques that a security guard may employ when encountering a juvenile.
SG-16 Identify techniques that a security guard may employ when encountering an individual with behavioral health concerns.
SG-17 Identify techniques on how to seek aid for a person in need.
This course is a 12 hours course.
This course is in-person and zoom
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