Elite Training and Security Providers in North America
First Protect Training Academy is a recognized elite training and security provider offering security training and protection services in North America. We can handle all your training and security needs, which we pride ourselves in having a “committed to excellence” work ethic.
Our security officers are always ready to assist you and protect your facilities like churches, apartments, hotels, schools, colleges, and government agencies, primarily in Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland.
We offer our services with honor and integrity and have solutions for all your security concerns.
Our Mission
Our mission to be a dependable, efficient, and cost-effective security training and security solution provider to enhance the safety of our clients, prevent crimes, and safeguard your facilities.
What Sets Us Apart
A company you can count on! When our clients call, we are ready to handle all their security needs, and we get it right the first time!
If you observe our officers, you can understand that they give their 100% at everything they do.
In the security profession, honor and integrity are uncompromisable. Officers with the highest regard for these values are the ones that deserve to be members of the First Protect Security, Inc. team.
Customer Service
Customer Service
When you have problems, we have solutions. Our officers are ready to assist you with all your security requirements.
National Resources
National Resources
We can handle security within the United States whenever you need it.
Security Affiliates
Security Affiliates
Apart from these areas, we also collaborate with our security affiliates nationwide to offer protection services and promptly get the job done for our clients.
Customized Protection
First Protect Security, Inc. offers security training in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia.